—this link has the basics for the assignemnt, and the situation i want to talk

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—this link has the basics for the assignemnt, and the situation i want to talk about
The purpose of Assignment 1 is to apply the #ConflictNegotiationElements, #DistributiveNegotiation, #IntegrativeNegotiation, and #NegotiationStrategy LOs from this course to analyze a past personal negotiation experience.
This is an individual assignment. You will be assessed on your knowledge of negotiation fundamentals. Your task is to select a past personal negotiation experience and relate concepts from class to that experience. The negotiation experience can be from any context: school, work, family, shopping, traveling, etc. It is recommended to use a negotiation experience that was related to something important in your life. Please arrange your paper in the following way:
Part 1: Fundamentals (200-400 words)
Briefly describe the negotiation context (school, work, family, shopping, traveling, etc.). Then, discuss the following:
· Describe why this was a negation situation.
· Identify whether you were dependent, independent, or interdependent with the other party(s).
· Identify the level of conflict that you experienced.
Explain each of your answers in detail using materials from class.
Part 2: Distributive vs Integrative 1 (300-600 words)
#DistributiveNegotiation, #IntegrativeNegotiation
Briefly describe the differences between distributive bargaining and integrative negotiation. Then, discuss the following:
· Explain whether your negotiation was distributive bargaining or integrative negotiation.
· If the negotiation is characterized as distributive bargaining:
o Identify your target and resistance points.
o Identify whether you had a BATNA and explain how this affected the negotiation.
o Identify who made the opening offer and whether this was the correct strategy.
o Identify the elements of the bargaining mix and how this affected the negotiation.
o Identify the concessions you made during the negotiation and whether your concessions were performed effectively (discuss your first offer, the concession pattern, and other guidelines from Box 2.4).
o Identify a hardball tactic that you (or the other party) used and whether this tactic was effective (discuss how you or the other party responded).
· If the negotiation is characterized as integrative** negotiation**:
o Explain how you identified and defined the problem.
o Identify your interests (discuss whether they were substantive, process, relationship, or interests in principle).
o Identify the interests of the other party (discuss whether they were substantive, process, relationship, or interests in principle). Explain whether you believe all interests were discovered.
o Identify a tactic that you (or the other party) used to generate a solution and what that solution entailed.
o Explain whether you evaluated and selected the final solution effectively.
Explain each of your answers in detail using materials from class.
Part 3: Strategy and Planning (300-600 words)
Discuss the following:
· Apply the Dual Concerns Model to your negotiation and explain which of the four strategies you chose and why. Explain whether this was the best strategy or if you should have used a different strategy.
· Pretend that you are able to go back in time and redo this negotiation tomorrow. Plan for the negotiation utilizing the Negotiation Planning Guide (Table 4.3).
Explain each of your answers in detail using materials from class.
Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced. Use correct grammar and section headings. Use APA referencing and only reference materials from class.
Assignment Information
Learning Outcomes Added
ConflictNegotiationElements: Articulate the elements that are common between conflict and negotiations in aiding growth of entities.
DistributiveNegotiation: Use the strategies and tactics of distributive negotiations.
IntegrativeNegotiation: Employ the strategies and tactics of integrative negotiations.
NegotiationStrategy: Plan a negotiation strategy.

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