The process starts when customer sends purchase orders (PO)and/or checks (CK) and remittance advices (RA) to the mail room of Halloween Express. A clerk sorts the mail items and based on the order decides to either 1) reconcile the checks and the RAs and prepares a remittance list (RL), or 2) forward the PO to the Sales Department. RL is sent to the Cash Receipts Department along with the checks. When the checks and RL1 arrive in the Cash Receipts Department, a clerk records the payment in the Cash Receipts Journal and prepares a deposit slip. The deposit slip (DS1) and the checks are sent to the bank.
A clerk in the sales department creates a four-part sales order (SO) in the Sales Department and updates the Sales Order file. SO1 is sent to the customer; SO2 goes to Billing; SO3 goes to the Warehouse; SO4 is filed with the PO in the Sales Dept.
In the Warehouse, clerk used SO3 to prepare a packing slip (PS). PS is sent to the customer with the goods.
See narrative attached. Draw a Flowchart , NOT A DFD!
Flowchart related guidelines :
1. Draw using LUCID as discussed and practiced in class.
2. Use swim lanes and be top – down style.
3. Use symbols as discussed and practiced in class.
4. Clean, well labeled and easy to follow.
5. Incorrect styles, wrong symbols and DFD-like (left to right) flowcharts will not fetch any points.
6. This is a strictly INDIVIDUAL assignment. You can use the book for help for this part of the exam! Reach out to me with any questions.
**If there is a slightest indication of students discussing the narrative, no points will be awarded and you will be referred to Student Affairs.
The process starts when customer sends purchase orders (PO)and/or checks (CK) an
By admin