apply ethical systems and concepts of justice to a case (*CAN BE FOUND IN THE OT

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apply ethical systems and concepts of justice to a case (*CAN BE FOUND IN THE OTHER BOOK “Ethical Dilemmas & Decisions in Crime Just*). Generally speaking, discuss the case and how your chosen ethical systems and concept of justice support it and explain how your ethical pieces (ethical system and concept of justice) help to resolve the dilemma being presented. Here’s how:
Select one case study from the law enforcement section of Case Studies in Criminal Justice Ethics. (Book Access: for assigned writer)
*should be the 2nd book in my shelf*
Introduce your paper by briefly discussing which case you selected and which ethical pieces you will be describing in your paper.
Identify the facts, including all parties involved. Indicate the rights and responsibilities of each party.
Identify relevant values, concepts, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case.
Identify the ethical issues/dilemmas for the main party to resolve in the case. You may include others if you so choose.
Describe one ethical system and apply it to this case. Provide the definition as well as how it applies to the chosen case.
Describe one concept of justice and apply it to this case. Again, provide the definition as well as how it applies to the chosen case.
Describe how the ethical system and concept of justice helped you to resolve the situation by directly applying these elements to your case.
Conclude your paper by restating your case and how the ethical system and concept of justice resolved the ethical problem in your case.

Use evidence from the text, lecture, or outside sources to support your claims.
Additional Info on the Hypothetical Case Study:
address or include the following:
All requirements of the APA formatting Practice Assignment are addressed in this paper (except the content is as described above and not fictitious). If not, then the paper will not be accepted.
The case study is chosen from the appropriate section of the Braswell, Case Studies in Criminal Justice Ethics textbook, e.g., during the week that law enforcement is discussed, a case is chosen from the law enforcement section of the book.
The paper must be a 3-5-page essay (not including references)
Double spaced
750-1250 words
12pt font, Times New Roman
In-text citations
A reference page
**One peer reviewed journal article (at least one)
The introduction includes previews of the case studied, the ethical system, and the concept of justice.
In-text documentation is used appropriately throughout the paper.
The facts of the case tell the complete story of what happened.
The ethical system is defined and applied to the case. Discuss how the ethical system explains the case.
The concept of justice is defined and applied to the case. Discuss how the concept of justice explains the case.
The conclusion summarizes how the ethical elements (ethical system and concept of justice) helped to resolve the dilemma present in the case.
The paper is written in an expository manner by providing richness of descriiption of each required section found in the rubric.
The paper has a references section that is properly formatted in APA style (must be in professional APA 7th edition/also on of my books, with running header, pg # top right corner, page break after title page and after conclusion page, etc)

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