Lauren WhetstoneSep 3 2:22pmManage Discussion by Lauren Whetstone Reply from L

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 Lauren WhetstoneSep 3 2:22pmManage Discussion by Lauren Whetstone
Reply from Lauren Whetstone
Hello, Dr. Eisenstein and class,
Psychiatric medication adherence is a topic that interests me and can have a significant impact on my future role as a PMH-NP and patient outcomes. According to research, medication non-adherence among patients with psychiatric disorders is one of the biggest challenges related to the treatment and management of mental health disorders. Studies show that mental illness is a growing health concern and one of the most unmanaged health conditions worldwide, affecting over 450 million people, and 49% of those diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder are non-adherent to medication and treatment plans (Agumasie et al., 2020). Unmanaged psychiatric illness can lead to many adverse personal, social, and health effects that can significantly impact the patient’s overall quality of life. Research shows that medication nonadherence can lead to a worsening of illness and reduce the effectiveness of future treatments. Many patients suffer from substance abuse issues and are at risk for co-morbid medical conditions and suicide (Agumasie et al., 2020). According to a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis on major psychiatric illness, identified factors that influence medication adherence include socio-demographic factors, substance abuse, patient attitude toward medication, patients’ perceived stigma, clinical factors, medication side effects, lack of social support, health system-related factors, medication cost, and a lack of insight about illness and medication (Agumasie et al., 2020).
Evidence-based practice (EBP) must be implemented for practice change to occur. EBP involves a holistic approach based on the most current knowledge and research, ensuring healthcare practices are safe, relevant, and up-to-date, which influences an NP’s decision-making, resulting in the best possible patient care and outcomes (ANA, n.d.). For psychiatric medication adherence to succeed, health professionals should use a comprehensive and individually tailored approach that is evidence-based, targets the identified factors, and aims to promote adherence. Recommendations for change are a patient-centered approach that identifies individual factors and challenges and creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Extensive education, treatment, and discharge planning with frequent follow-ups are crucial for medication adherence and positive patient outcomes (Agumasie et al., 2020).
Agumasie, S., Swasi, T., Adom, M., Nega, A., Gezahegn, T., and Augustine A. (2020).
Psychotropic medication nonadherence and its associated factors among patients with major psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. to an external site.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). What is evidence-based practice in nursing? excellence/evidence-based-practice-in-nursing/Links to an external site.

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