Case 2:
Hypernatremia in a Dehydrated Older Adult
Patient: A 78-year-old woman with dementia is brought to the hospital from a nursing home with confusion, lethargy, and decreased urine output. She was found to have a poor oral intake of fluids over several days. Lab results reveal a serum sodium level of 156 mEq/L.
MS1 ASSIGNMENT #1 – Clinical Case Study:
Managing Electrolyte Imbalances and Pharmacological Intervenions in Med-Surg
The purpose of this assignment is to help you apply your knowledge of medical-surgical nursing and pharmacology to real-life clinical scenarios. You will work in groups to analyze a case, understand the underlying condition, identify the appropriate nursing interventions, and discuss the pharmacological treatments. This will help you build critical thinking and collaborative skills, essential for clinical practice.
1. Analyze the Case: Slide 1 – Introduction
Present the patient’s case, paying attention to the patient’s symptoms, lab results, and medical history.
2. Understand the Pathophysiology: Slides 2-3
Identify the primary condition (e.g., hyperkalemia, metabolic alkalosis, etc.) and the pathophysiology behind it-why the imbalance occurred and how it affects the body For example, if the patient has hyperkalemia, explain how potassium is normally regulated in the body, what caused it to become elevated, and how this impacts the patient’s body (e.g., muscle function, heart rhythm). Discuss how this condition affects other body systems.
Case 2: Hypernatremia in a Dehydrated Older Adult Patient: A 78-year-old woman w
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